Do you love photography but aren’t sure you have what it takes to start a business? Are you a photographer but can’t book enough work or get the ideal clients? Are you at a loss when it comes to social media marketing? Are you burnt out and feeling uninspired?
It’s so easy to get burnt out when you’re working hard to grow your business. I’ve been though so many phases where I felt uninspired, found myself focusing so much on the competition, and just feeling hopeless. I didn’t understand how I was supposed to book more clients and make more money when the passion just wasn’t there. I started this business because I wanted the freedom to do what I loved. Now what?
After years of trying to figure it out and working with a few coaches, I feel like I finally figured it out. I had my best season yet during a global pandemic. If you’re feeling scared, confused, hopeless or just want to get out of a rut, feel free to reach out. I’m currently offering photo mentoring. Book a free clarity call so we can discuss what you need to help get your biz back on track (or get it started)! I can’t wait to chat. 😁
Feel free to reach out with any questions!
January 8, 2020
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